Monday, October 13, 2008

Bambi: Top Tearjerker movie

"It might be a 66-year-old cartoon but Walt Disney's Bambi has been named the best tear-jerker of all time ahead of other favourites such as ET and the Lion King.

The tale of the young deer whose mother is shot by hunters topped a poll of films which make you weep."

1. Bambi
2. Ghost
3. The Lion King/ ET
4. Titanic
5. Beaches
6. Philadelphia
7. Watership Down

i thought bambi was boring...but then again i was like 6 when i last saw it. guess i gotta go rent it and see if this deserves to top the list.

my top tearjerker movies:
1. The Notebook (this movie never fails to leave me boo-hoo crying everytime, especially when the couple dies together)
2. The Lion King
3. Life is Beautiful
4. The Green Mile
5. The Color Purple
6. My Girl
7. What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
8. Finding Nemo
9. Selena
10. Little Women

other movies that should've made my list:
*Passion of the Christ (only saw it once, and never want to see it again cuz of how it made me cry. yikes.)
*Simon Birch


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